Check it out on the website here
What's it all about?
At Perinatal Wellbeing we are so excited to share that we have launched our Podcast! This podcast is all about authentic conversations centred on Perinatal health and wellbeing; from Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders, to breastfeeding challenges, to grief and loss in the Perinatal period and literally everything in between! This is the place to have real and honest conversations about these experiences so we can break down barriers to accessing treatment and crush stigma!
As your host, I open these conversations up by sharing my experience as a mom who experienced Postpartum Anxiety and Depression and my knowledge as a Certified Perinatal Mental Health Professional, interviewing others with lived experience and talking with colleagues who also work in the Perinatal field supporting clients and sharing their wisdom. You will walk away with more knowledge and understanding of the Perinatal period and ideas for coping with the many challenges that can come up in this period.
In the first episode I share my experience with Postpartum Anxiety and Depression in the hopes of normalizing these experiences and opening up the conversations about these symptoms.
If you want to submit a question to be answered on a future podcast, please email me us
Check out the Podcast on Spotify, Stitcher, Amazon Music or on the website here. And please share your feedback.
Happy Listening!
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